A THOUSAND thank you!!!

Look at those numbers


“Give me a thousand reviews, then a hundred,
then another thousand, then a second hundred,
then yet another thousand, then a hundred;
then, when we have performed many thousands,
we shall shake them into confusion, in order for us to lose the count,
and in order not to let any evil person envy us,
as no one will be aware of how many tours have there been.”


The famous Latin poet Catullus will not be angry at us for using (and changing just so slightly :P) his beautiful verses to celebrate a massive achievement of these days: Made in Rome Tours reached over a THOUSAND reviews on Tripadvisor.

And not just any reviews: over 80% of them rated us with “Excellent” or 5 stars, putting us in the first 20 tours of Rome and awarding our team the Badge of Excellence.

We are happy and proud to share this accomplishment with you because it shows in numbers what we believe in: sharing the beauty of Rome with every single person coming to our eternal city with passion and integrity, making the experience interesting and unique, in spite of the difficulties of the last couple of pandemic years.

We also really want to thank you back, for every smile, laugh, walk, pointed finger and interested question you posed: THANK YOU a thousand time back! Our work would not be so incredible without the huge privilege of meeting so many engaging human beings along the way.



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